纽约假日 New York Holiday

3 min readJan 20, 2023


New York is most definitely a town that your love for it grow exponentially. You leave New York with one singular thought, when may i come back?

i brood on my next trip of New York.

When I arrived home from my beloved day trip to New York, the first thought i had was to go on my amtrak to nail a ticket to New York. New York fulfills this impermanent longing in my heart, for something greater, or is it for a distraction or what.

It is such a incredible city you always leave with regrets so you will go back, you will explore New York more. You will fall in love with New York all over. head over heel of course. Oh New York, aren’t you my darling. I love you, New York. You are not perfect because you are more than a sweet sugar bomb. you are bigger than one singular flavor. You offer the diversity of experience that transcends being sweet and simple. With you, it is a jungle filled with unexpected kindness and love, expressed in the most unthinkable manners.


anecdote file 1

On one subway, i try to get in front of a lady to get outta the subway. She waved her arm out to prevent me from getting ahead of her and said to me, “i am getting off.”

“Sorry. i am trying to catch this amtrak.” I said and obediently waited to get off the train behind her.

After we got off the train, I think we unintentionally bumped into each other.

i said “You are good” to ensure her i’m ok.

“I am!” She said. wow a common new yorker move!

As I circled around her, i hear her said the most unexpected line,

“I’m the person who does not let you pass by.” as if mocking herself.

what I took from New York is resilience. the ability to not take yourself and others too seriously.

anecdote file 2

I try to board this train but I saw the door shut in front of me. so I patiently wait on the platform. But Just before the door shut, someone probably forced the door open in another section of the train. So the door opened, brief, just for a second.

Before I make the decision to get on, i saw the door closing.

Just before the door closes, one lady shots her small, think arm out.

i saw a fist come out of the door, the door instinctively opened and I was in.

“thank you.”

“oh it was nothing.”

“I hope you would not do such a thing for anyone again.” I quipped.

anecdote file 3

on the train,

the train was raining

one passenger said to another to stand not right under where it is raining.

and we all shared a moment of laugh and fun. New York is the greatest. it is filled with kind-hearted people.

anecdote file 4

I ask direction

she says she does not know

on the platform, she came to me again and say “I am new to New York.” in such kindly apologetic tone.

anecdote file 5




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