A Chinese Dress from Den Haag

2 min readNov 22, 2022


the night of Philadelphia, USA

An an ethnographer in training at the Best Education Grad School according to the US NEWS, my world is a collage of differences, of osmosis, of love, of intercultural communications.

This is a dress I brought from Holland.

At first glance, it is so Chinese, so beautiful, so mesmerizing to me.

When I wear, I wear my believes. This dress is a storyteller.

I use this dress to challenge people, to share with people my stories. It is a story beyond languages. It is a story that symbolizes love. It is everything I adore.

When the wonderful lady sold me the dress, she also gave me this beautiful free tote bag, she said to me “When you wear this dress, you will think of me.”

When I feel out and alone, a nomad in this transitory world, i would wear this dress, i remember her generosity and the beautiful memory we share.

though scattered, we can always always find our cultures in the most unimaginable corners of the world

AND like all things in this world, this dress too, take on a life of its own.

it became a medium of intercultural communication.




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