Speaking in Shanghainese

2 min readJan 17, 2024


“Hey Lilly, do you speak Shanghainese.”

“Un poco.” I reply.

The Shanghainese Dialect is very similar to Mandarin. As a linguist, we know that all languages are dialects and everyone speaks with an accent. It is not good but is part our reality that not everyone has the capacity to appreicate different accents. Some accents are deemed more high-class than the other. My Shanghainese accent is, unfortuantely, not authentic enough, according to those who are the native speakers.

I would speak Shanghainese, and people who reflexisively say, “you are not from here.”

And that would discourage me from speaking more.

Is that the way it should be?

Even the so called authentic speakers of SHanghainese are immigrants geenrations ago. I think it is essential for me to continue learning SHanghainese, and not be afraid of these small comments and setbacks.

Recently, a Shanghainese TV show called Blossom is wildly popular in China. In China, TV shows have enormous social impact. It is a center nod of communciation. Pop culture connects people. Poeple not only would talk about the TV show during their sparetimes, they would also go to the places mentioned in the Show. For example, a very important setting of the TV was the Peace Hotel built by Sir Victor Sassoon, “the Man who Changed the Face of Shanghai” (NYT) . People would spend their money quite serendipidously. The 168888 yuan hotel suite and the 1702 yuan date night dinner at the Peace Hotel are both sold out.

Language fluency is definitely important and useful, but what’s more important and useful is the ability to be courageous in trying, in engaging with different languages.

“Un poco(一点点),” 我回答说。

遗憾的是,根据本地人的说法,我的上海口音不够地道。每当我说上海话时,总有人会反射性地说:“你不是这里的人。” 这会让我产生更多的沮丧情绪,使我不愿多说。







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