Verdun Perry, Global Head of Blackstone Strategic Partners

2 min readDec 4, 2022


Today at the Wharton School of Business, we have the greatest joy to host Verdun Perry! Verdun graduated from HBS as an MBA and a Robert Toigo Foundation Fellow.

Following are some ideas I typed while we had Verdun with us. Please treat this article as my field note.

If you see great ideas, H/t to Verdun. I hope Verdun inspire you as much as he had inspired each one of us.

The things I am most proud of are not in my bio.”

Though Verdun is the first Black partner at Black Rock, he is more proud of the fact that he is not the last. He is a terrific hero who not only strives for great things in life but use his success as a conduit to open doors for more people.

2. On Prescence

“Fighting doesn’t have to be dramatic.

When fight come to you,

you rise to the fight.”

3. On resilience and GRIT

“You fold,

You get back up,

You have to have that resilience, that GRIT.”

4. On peer competition and relationship

“We are not each other’s competition.

Rely on each other.

Give people a chance to show you love.”

5. On winning

“Even the strongest wins need bend or you will snap”

6. On encouraging others, and being there for others

“Sometime people want to know someone saw them.”

‘I know you are struggling, I am here.’

Just acknowledge their presence is huge.”

7. Instead of meeting others in his office, he chose to go out to the Bronx to meet them.

“Go see them.

Meet them where they are.

Tell me where you are. I will come.”

8. On helping others

My drive is to help people behind me. As you get older, you want the younger people proud of you.

9. On Self-Care

Make time for yourself.

You gotta have to learn to say No

You gotta drink before you get thirsty

Spend your time on the solution, not wrestle with the old time.

10. On helping those who are in need

Focus on helping people who want to live

“There are a lot of people who need help right now.

You are smart, you have a lot to offer.

You’ve seen world people don’t even know exist.

You can offer guidance.”

11. On giving encouragement

“I see you working hard. Keep doing that.”

That alone gives people energy.

“You are great right now.

You have something to give 20 years ago

You can give.

If you see someone, you can help,

Don’t wait to help until you get to your destination.

You can give confidence.”

12. On Self-love

“You can do anything but you have to love who you see in the mirror.”




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